Just Another Week

Sunday again! Hello!

It was just another week in the life of a traveling consultant - back on the road again, just trying to push ahead in getting my day job done. That said, there's always time for the things I'm working on...

(Meanwhile, if you haven't listened to episode 4 with Gloria Becerril about Learning Languages yet, you totally should go do that right now. My mother said she's now considering learning Italian, which I think I would call a win.)

Exciting Podcast News:

  • I had an excellent interview this weekend with Justin Shiels from Curious Tribe that I can't wait to share with you about friendships and staying in touch.

  • I edited episode 5, which is also about learning languages, that will air next weekend with my friend Adriel. I can't wait to share it with you. And am super excited to continue upping my Spanish language learning game.

What's Up Next:

  • Episode 5 with Adriel all about learning languages at an intermediate level.

  • Episode 6 about staying in touch with friends with Justin.

  • Talking about healthy eating habits that I'm trying to add into my daily routine.

  • Talking about money stories with Eugenie George.

  • Talking about the enneagram with success strategist, Eryn Morgan.

If you have any ideas for future episodes I'd love to hear them.

Thought-provoking Self-Improvement Conversations This Week:
Since going to see a financial planner it's been on my list to create a last will and testament, and whatever document it is that explains what you want to happen to you when you die. In Gaby Dunn's Bad With Money episode from earlier this year called Death and Money, I was reminded of this task and have added another book to my reading list. I just need to hunker down for a few hours to get it done. All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks again for already following along, so excited to have you on this journey. Have a wonderful week!

xo Chrystina


Episode 5: Learning Languages While Traveling


Episode 4: Learning Languages