Getting Back in Travel Mode

Happy March!

No episode launch this week, but just wanted to check in to let you know what things I'm working on this week. (And hear about what things you're working on as well!) Episode 5 is there if you haven't listened to it yet though.

This week felt like my first week back to consistent work travel, filled with long client meetings, flight delays, and overscheduling my weekends to try to fit in as much as possible. I'm highly aware that this is only sustainable for so many weeks; in the past my mentality has been to rid it out until I crash. Recover. And then start again. The new plan is to figure out how to schedule more free time into my weekends to do the things around the house that bring me joy.

Other things I'm working on? A promotion business case, processing all of the feelings from seeing Dear Evan Hansen, and getting my taxes done.

How about you?

xo Chrystina


Episode 6: Being Healthier About Nutrition


Episode 5: Learning Languages While Traveling