Episode 13: Systems at Home


It's been a while! I'm excited to be back! Since 2020 has been a heck of a year, I've decided to ease back in with talking about systems in place at home in episode 13 answering some questions like:

  • How do you manage your calendar?

  • How do you manage your shopping list?

  • Do you have a home cleaning schedule?

In this chat I talk with my sister. We grew up in the same environment, but have now been living differently, in different states, for the last 15 years, so it was interesting to see how it all played out for us! 

Fun fact by the way, this is the first episode ever that has an outtake at the end of it. It's also the most conversation-like episode that I've ever had, I'd love to hear your feedback on it! 

Please feel free to pass along any home systems that you have place that you use. I'd love to hear more about them and how I can improve my own systems. Or maybe you use some of the same ones we do!

I hope all is well! I've missed sharing content with y'all and am looking forward to getting back into it again!

xo Chrystina


It’s good to be back!


Episode 12: Career Conversations