On doing things that are good for the soul

You may have noticed that this email is a week late - last week was my vacation week. I rented a car, I drove too many miles, I spent too much money, and I finally found some time to catch up on podcast episodes. All of these things were very good for the soul. My inbox is now a mess and I can't for the life of me figure out what happened at the office while I was gone, but I'll get there. One day at a time.

Another thing that was good for the soul? This week's podcast episode with Amber Burns. I needed to call the episode something, so I decided upon Social Media and Staying In Touch, the two original topics I wanted to discuss with her - but throughout the conversation we hit on so many other topics. It was good to laugh and remember what connections with other humans can feel like. I hope you enjoy it as well.

In Episode 8, I talked with my real life friend, blogger, and podcaster, Amber Burns about social media and staying in touch. I was inspired to have the conversation based on her awesome social media presence on instagram, and was so grateful for each of our twists and turns in conversation.

If you've been enjoying my podcast, you'll also love Amber's, Thank You for Asking, a podcast helping you answer the question: How are they doing it?

Click Here to Listen

Podcast News:

This was my last planned episode! I knew exactly how the season was going to go up until this point - and now it's up to me to figure out what's next. I feel like there are a lot of moving pieces in my life right now - I'm buying a house, trying to figure out work life balance, and planning a wedding. So it seems like there should be plenty of content to pull from. Is there anything y'all specifically want to hear next?

Things to Check Out:

I'm going to make up for the newsletter three weeks ago where there wasn't quite as much content. Last week, I was able to make up for it.

  • This instagram post by Kristy from Creative Cusp summarizes exactly how I feel about calendars and obligations these days.

  • Alex Elle shared 7 lessons learned during the pandemic about friendship in this instagram post. My favorite? Investing my time in places where I am not valued is no longer an option.

  • This episode of Teach Me Something New where Brit Morin interviews two humor experts on how to be funny.

  • This (very pretty) infographic from Justin Shiels about how to actively listen. I really need to practice these five steps more often.

  • A good reminder article about how to motivate yourself to do the boring things you need to do by Sarah from Yes and Yes.

  • Priya Parker's SXSW keynote talk from 2021, which you can find on YouTube. Her husband interviews her as they talk about how anyone can create collective meaning in modern life, one gathering at a time.

  • Last week was my first time sitting in a bar in over a year. Unfortunately I didn't find this website called I Miss My Bar until too late, but you can use it to create the perfect sound-effect track to think that you were there.

I hope that you're all having a wonderful week and that your June is off to a good start. (Where has the time gone?) Pretty soon we'll be halfway through the year. But don't worry, there's plenty of time to continue learning new things - or to just sit down and watch all of Project MC^2 on Netflix (a show on Netflix featuring four very smart secret agents in high school) - whichever one feels better for the soul. (I've definitely done both of those things in the past month.)

xo Chrystina

PS. Happy PRIDE month folks!! Looking for a way to celebrate? I love my pair of Honeytune Creations earrings. Not sponsored, they just make me happy.


Reconnecting with friends & creativity


How to tell a great story.