04: Learning New Languages

Today I launched Episode 4 of the Podcast, called Learning New Languages. In this episode I interview my online Spanish tutor, Gloria Becerril about her journey learning 6 languages (and she's learning her 7th!).

We had a great conversation that inspired me to continue to work hard to get better at Spanish - and the episode is full of tips and tricks if you're trying to learn a new language yourself. (That said, any of these tips can be transferrable to learning something new if you're not currently learning a language.)

Exciting Podcast News:

I learned how to export the file so that you can hear the same thing in both ears and it's not me in your left ear and Gloria in your right ear. I thought you'd all appreciate that.

What’s Up Next:

  • Adriel and I re-recorded episode 5 this week after her audio file didn't save properly.

  • I recorded an episode about my journey towards trying to eat healthier, which will be episode 6.

  • I have two podcast interviews set up for later this month where we will continue to talk about staying in touch with friends and start talking about personality tests - this time around, the enneagram.

Thought-provoking Self-Improvement Conversations This Week:

  • I've been listening to Katie Dalebout and Serena Wolf's podcast called Spiraling this week. On the podcast they "have candid conversations about how anxiety affects their lives and share how they’re managing it." It's been really great to hear about other people manage their anxiety issues. I just finished episode 7.

  • At a game night on Friday night I tried to figure out if I'm actually a really competitive person and I just avoid board games so that I don't have to deal with being competitive. This ties directly back to the work I've been doing in learning about my enneagram number, which I think I've decided is a 3 - also known as "the Achiever." Not sure what the enneagram is? Check out the basics of the personality test here.

  • I met with a Nutritional Counselor for the third time this week, it's what inspired me to record epidoe 6 of this podcast. Stay-tuned to hear what I learned from the experience!

Show Notes:

In this episode I speak with my online Spanish tutor, Gloria Becerril, about her journey in learning six languages (and she's currently learning her seventh!). We hear about how she learned each of these languages over time, tips for Spanish learners, and why languages are her passion.

Richard Simcott

Polyglot Conference


Talki: Online Language Tutor Platform

Where to find Gloria:

Follow Chrystina on Twitter and Instagram @ChrystinaNoel.

Don't forget to subscribe and leave a 5-star review if you're enjoying the show.


05: Learning Languages While Traveling


03: Exploring Staying In Touch In Your Thirties