Favorite Things List
Community Made
Host: Jayson Gaignard
For folks interested in learning to build an awesome community around them.
Let It Out
Host: Katie Dalebout
For folks looking for a cozy space to discuss soft stories, life, love, & well-being.
Redesigning Life
Host: Sabrina Soto
For folks who are looking to discuss life, growth, friendship, and purpose.
Hosts: Katie Dalebout and Serena Wolf
For folks with anxiety looking for personal tips to manage it from those who can relate.
Together Apart
Host: Priya Parker
For folks looking to host a great virtual event and those looking to build their event planning skills.
Why Won’t You Date Me?
Host: Nicole Byer
For folks looking for real-talk (& laughs!) about 21st century relationships, dating, and sex. (Explicit)
Writing Excuses
Hosts: Many / Varies
For folks who are (or want to be) writers that want to know more about how to build a great story.
Young House Love Podcast
Hosts: John & Sherry Petersik
For folks who like to talk (and laugh) about design, home improvement, and life at home.
Being Boss
Hosts: Emily Thompson & Kathleen Shannon
For folks who are creative entrepreneurs who like to talk about business habits & mindsets.
The Fizzle Show
Hosts: Many / Varies
For folks who are creative entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their online businesses.
Elise Gets Crafty
Hosts: Elise Blaha Cripe
For folks who are looking to be inspired to be more creative in their day to day lives.
Happier Podcast
Host: Gretchen Rubin
For folks who are looking to add a little bit more happiness to their day-to-day lives
HBR Women at Work
Hosts: Amy Berstein, Amy Gallo, and Emily Caulfield
For folks who are (and are supporters of) women in the workplace
Full list on Bookshop.org can be found here. Links below may only be for the first book in the series.
Quizzes To Know Yourself Better
16 Personalities
Myers-Briggs-like, discussing Mind, Energy, Nature, Tactics, and Identiy
Measuring your talents
(Similar) Alternative Free Version
Four Tendencies
Helping you figure out how you respond to outter and inner expctations
Types 1 through 9
Alternative Free Version
Working Genius
Natural talents at work: wonder, invention, discernment, galvanizing, enablement, & tenacity
Business Chemistry
Integrator, Pioneer, Driver, Guardian
Improving human performance: Fact finder, follow through, quick start, & implementor
VIA Character Strengths
Defining your character strengths that make you feel authentic and engaged
Values Exercise
An excellent exercise from Emily and Kathleen from Being Boss to define your values
Newsletters to Receive
Fun fact: newsletters are my favorite way to receive content from people. You can enjoy them on your own time, they’re usually full of great links, and you can reply back to the person who created the content. So my suggestion? Find your people in life and subscribe to their newsletters. I hope I’m one of them for you, but even if I’m not, you should totally check out the following folks’ newsletters below:
Curious Tribe
From Justin Shiels: A weekly pep talk designed to help you live a healthier life
Harper Honey
A blog about living boldly, finding magic inside yourself, and making space for joy
By Jessica Lawlor: Tips to step outside your comfort zone & crush big goals
Newsletter Links
February 24, 2021.
Episodes 75 and 76 of the Today By The Way podcast where Indiana Adams talks about what to do when a friendship is hard.
Episode 612 of the How to Be Awesome At Your Job podcast that talks about how to find the perfect career-fit using an analytical approach.
This quote about laughter by Sophie Scott.
“Laughter is an ancient evolutionary system that mammals have evolved to make and maintain social bonds and regulate emotions.”I received one of these stamped spoons from Rebekah’s Valentine this week from a friend in the mail and love it. I feel so seen and loved!
(The spoon I received says “Tea is Life” - because it is.)The entire podcast series of Together Apart by Priya Parker, which I binged fairly quickly. She talks about how to gather together even while we have to remain apart.
The concept of doing a “shopping ban” as inspired by Cait Flanders who wrote The Year of Less.
I’ve created a Spotify playlist from my favorite Pandora playlist, which I call “mornings” based on Chantal Kreviazuk. (This feels very meta.) Think every rom-com from the 90s. If you like female singer-songwriter-style songs, this playlist is for you.
March 10, 2021.
This Medium article by Misha Glouberman on how to host a cocktail party on Zoom.
This Real Simple article by Jancee Dunn about how she learned to throw amazing parties every time. (This article often references Priya Parker.)
This 18-minute Writing Excuses podcast that talks about how to write endings. (It never hurts to be able to tell a good story.)
This 5-minute video where new friend Steph Trujillo walks us through her process for creating her vision board.
Friend of the podcast (S1E7) Justin Shiels’ new free download: 30 journaling prompts for deep self reflection.
Loving Creative Mornings virtual field trips. Last weekend I did one called “Discover Your Next Creative Idea through List-Making!" with Leya Van Doren, a creativity coach and podcaster.
Note: John (my fiancé) joked that if someone was going to satirically come up with a name for a workshop that was just for me, this would be it. He was correct, it was amazing.I pre-ordered two children’s books this week. (Links below are affiliate.)
Is this something everybody does? I always feel like I need to try them before buying them for people.Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem by Amanda Gorman
What Are Your Words? A Book About Pronouns by Katherine Locke