Episode 12: Career Conversations

Hi everyone,

Real talk here. Totally forgot yesterday was Sunday. Spent all day Saturday editting the episode, and then forgot to actually publish it. Such is life. I'm also running late because I'm not ready for today's meetings yet, but as always it will somehow always get done.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I'm really excited to be sharing episode 12 with you. In it, I talk with a friend and colleague, Priyal Shah about a career development activity we have done with friends from work over the past month. We scheduled 10 hours to talk about career development. We had life conversations, discussed our visions and dreams, and created action plans forward.

This was an awesome experience and I'm excited to have the framework to create actionable steps forward (you'll learn in the episode that I actually sort of forgot to make actionable steps, so it's still on my to do list). 

This episode will help you figure out how you can brainstorm your own career development and tell you step by step how you can facilitate a group activity like this if you're interested. We all found it to be a great exercise and I'm really glad that my friends were on-board with another crazy idea.

I'm off to edit a PowerPoint presentation with baby photos of my current team as we have decided that's what this week's icebreaker will be. We've decided the activity part will be trying to caption the photos. Super excited to see what comes of it. 

Have a wonderful week, hope you're all doing well!

xo Chrystina


Episode 13: Systems at Home


A Break From Regularly Scheduled Content